Decarbonization & Deep Energy Retrofit Studies

Our Decarbonization & Deep Energy Retrofit Studies service focuses on transforming existing buildings into high-performance, energy-efficient spaces through strategic planning and retrofitting solutions. We conduct detailed assessments and feasibility studies to optimize building performance, reduce carbon footprints, and enhance overall sustainability, involving:

  • Energy Audits & Analysis: Assessing building systems and operations to identify opportunities for deep energy reductions.

  • Technology Assessment: Evaluating advanced technologies and renewable energy systems for feasibility and integration.

  • Financial Modeling & ROI Analysis: Conducting cost-benefit analyses to prioritize investments in decarbonization and retrofit projects.

  • Implementation Support: Providing guidance and oversight during project implementation to ensure successful outcomes.

Although these projects are very similar to energy audits, they tend to have an increased focus on a specific goal, which tends to be a retrofit target (i.e., reduce GHG emissions by 30%), and a timeline attached to the project, which requires an extra layer of accuracy and analysis.