ASHRAE Level 3 Energy Audits/ Investment Grade Audits
For clients pursuing extensive energy savings through capital projects, our ASHRAE Level 3 Energy Audits (Investment Grade Audits) provide the highest level of detail and accuracy. These audits go into more depth in the process of the energy modelling, the project and ECM identification, ECM costing and feasibility, and are considered the highest standard of energy audits. They are considered “investment grade,” as the analysis is so thorough that it enables third-party capital investment, as there is detailed energy modelling, project costing, and project feasibility/design. These audits are chosen for multiple reasons, but they tend to revolve around additional accuracy, or accessing financing:
Retrofit Already Funded: When a retrofit project is already planned, it is often in the client’s best interest to spend on the most accurate and detailed audit, as to ensure that budgets and plans are set from a place of detail from the onset of the project.
Strategic Planning: Clients require detailed planning for future investments and lifecycle cost assessments.
Complex Projects: Projects involve significant HVAC upgrades or building envelope retrofits requiring in-depth analysis.
Performance Contracts: Necessary for meeting the requirements of performance contracts with Energy Service Contract Organizations (ESCOs).
Investment Grade Analysis: Provides detailed and rigorous engineering analysis suitable for large-scale capital projects. This includes capital cost, return on investment, net-present value, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and more.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Calculates life cycle costs to optimize long-term investments in energy efficiency.
Risk Management: Mitigates risks associated with major energy upgrades and investments.
Measurement and Verification: Establishes robust measurement and verification plans to track actual energy savings after a retrofit has been implemented.
Level 3 audits ensure the maximum accuracy and are therefore appropriate for clients that have a larger budget to spend on analysis or are very certain that they are moving forward with a retrofit project.