ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audits
Our ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audits offer a more comprehensive analysis tailored for larger and more complex buildings, and buildings that warrant more depth of analysis. ASHRAE Level 2 audits are the industry standard, and do a great job of benchmarking the site, providing in-depth analysis and inventories of building equipment, such as HVAC, lighting, controls, building envelope, etc., and then provide multiple Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs), and Renewable Energy Measures (REMs) that will reduce the energy consumption and improve the functionality of the facility. Measures in a Level 2 audit range from Low-Cost/No-Cost measures to large capital projects and are all supported by detailed financial and environmental analysis, including metrics such as simple payback, net present value, return on investment, and more.
These audits are chosen for multiple reasons:
Setting Capital Budgets: Clients aim to set capital budgets for multiple years through an informed process that considers long-term operational costs and building functionality.
Understanding the Building in Depth: There is a desire to understand the building and it’s performance in depth, and to learn how to best operate it.
Green Building Certifications: Suitable for most green building certifications such as LEED, and BOMA Best 4.0.
Funding Program Access: Typically funding programs require some sort of energy audit to quantify the impact of measures. ASHRAE Level 2 is the industry standard for this.
Comprehensive Analysis: Provides a detailed survey and analysis of energy systems and usage patterns.
Detailed Energy Modeling: Utilizes advanced energy simulation software to evaluate potential energy conservation measures (ECMs) accurately.
Financial Analysis: Conducts a thorough cost-benefit analysis of recommended EEMs to optimize investments.
Performance Optimization: Optimizes building performance through data-driven insights and recommendations.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensures compliance with energy efficiency regulations and standards.
Measurable & Accurate Results: Provides actionable recommendations with quantifiable energy savings and ROI projections.
Level 2 audits strike a balance between engineering rigor and cost-effectiveness, making them suitable for clients looking to optimize operational efficiency and long-term savings.