ASHRAE Level 1 Audits/Benchmarking Audits
ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Audits are ideal for initial and high-level assessments of various building types, and often serve as the foundation for identifying low-cost and no-cost energy conservation measures (ECMs). These audits will benchmark the facility, give information about the site fundamentals, and provide high-level recommendations for energy conservation measures. Although we tend to recommend Level 2 and 3 audits in most circumstances, Level 1 audits are suitable when:
Objective: Clients are seeking quick assessments and immediate energy-saving opportunities.
Budget: Emphasis is on identifying cost-effective measures with a simple payback period and/or when the client has a low budget for assessing their building.
Green Building Certifications: Essential for meeting BOMA Best 4.0, LEED-EB certification prerequisites.
For buildings where energy savings potential is straightforward, such as small commercial spaces or municipal facilities, our Level 1 audits provide actionable insights while minimizing upfront costs.